A weapon is any kind of tool that can threaten or damage people or property. This includes obvious weapons like guns and knives as well as less obvious ones like sports equipment, household tools and toys. Even a shoe or a cup of water can be considered a weapon, depending on how it’s used.
Often, our clients come to us with weapons charges that have been added on to other charges, or used to make their alleged crime sound more serious. A theft becomes robbery, or an assault becomes “assault with a weapon,” sounding more alarming and instilling more fear in the person charged. Getting bail is more difficult and sentences tend to be longer.
Sometimes the weapons offence isn’t related to your arrest, but is used to get more charges against you — for example, if you are charged with impaired driving and are found to have an unlicensed hunting rifle in your car.
Sometimes the weapons charge can stand on its own, such as a gun charge for an improperly stored firearm.
Depending on your priorities and needs, Stephen Bernstein Law Group’s lawyers can either plead out your weapons charge or take it to trial and provide you with a thorough defence.
You can trust our trial experience in weapons cases. You may also be able to help us resolve the charge.
Help Us Help You
Regardless of what we do, our advice to you will usually include the following:
- Don’t talk to the police: Since many people aren’t aware of the details of weapons laws, they may make incriminating statements about their weapons without realizing they’re doing so. Have a lawyer present when you talk to police.
- Don’t panic: Just because there is a weapons charge against you doesn’t mean that it’s going to stick. It may be used as a bargaining chip, to get you to plead to other charges out of fear of the weapons charge.
- Know your rights: Many of our clients are unaware that they are in violation of the law with regard to weapons. Others are unaware that there are defences available to their weapons charge. Weapons law is currently in a state of rapid change, and it may be difficult for most people to keep up with what those changes may mean to them.
Both the Criminal Code of Canada and the Firearms Act define a range of offences in this particular field including unauthorized possession of a firearm, possession of a weapon for a dangerous person, tempering with a serial number and assault with a weapon. A weapon can be any object designed, used or intended to be used for causing injury or death or for threatening and intimidating a person. There are different types of penalties for the different offences in case of conviction, but they are all very serious. Given the gravity of the situation, it is important for you to turn to Firearm & Weapons Offence Lawyer Hamilton without wasting time. You will receive consultation as quickly as possible. One of our specialized lawyers will give you an overview of your situation and present the different options. You will have all the advice needed for making a choice.
With us, you will receive legal representation at all stages of the legal process no matter how long or complex it may be. At bail hearings, our core goal is to secure the release of our client at the most bearable terms. After this, your counselor and the support specialists who work on your case will build the strategy for your defence. The work begins with investigating the case in depth. The situation is analyzed for selecting the best legal instruments that will be used. The strategy will include different tactics for overcoming various types of obstacles that may arise.
Our work is always goal-orientated. Your Firearm & Weapons Offence Lawyer Hamilton will be highly motivated and use their talent and skill to the fullest to get you where you want to be. You will be excellently prepared for all hearings and receive personal support at all times. By making you feel as comfortable and confident as possible, we go one step further towards achieving the set objective. Let us fight for you with zeal and all possible tools.
For receiving timely legal assistance in case of firearm and weapons offence charges, reach us now.